Hopewell Proud by Austin 'Auz' Miles
Unveiled on Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Located at 224 North Main Street, Hopewell, VA 23860
Artist Statement: HOPEWELL PROUD is a piece that embraces the natural beauties and people of Hopewell. Using vibrant colors and energetic movement, this piece showcases the Appomattox River, an eagle, and hands that work together to build the city of Hopewell. All of these elements along with Hopewell’s rich history are what makes this city a special and unique place in Virginia. This piece is a celebration of pride for Hopewell’s past and future.
Artist, Austin Miles, invited the community to participate in the mural creation at Lamb Arts' first Hopewell Arts Fest in October 2019
Austin 'Auz' Miles is a painter and community artist/activist in Richmond, VA. Her work often features the narratives of Black women, while using vibrant colors and textures. Hopewell has a special place in Austin's heart for it is the home of many of her family members and where her mother was born and raised. "It was an honor to paint about Hopewell, a city home to many that I love and have shaped me."
This mural was generously made possible through funds provided by the Hopewell Downtown Partnership’s Virginia Main Street “Downtown Investment Grant”